Optional Additional Setup


If you are using the contrib.sitemaps application to generate your sitemap you can make use of the PageSiteMap, e.g.:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from pagelets.sitemaps import PageSiteMap

sitemaps = {
    'pagelets': PageSiteMap(priority=0.6),
    # Your other sitemaps
    # ...

# Site url patterns would go here
# ...

urlpatterns += patterns('',

    # the sitemap
    (r'^sitemap\.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': sitemaps}),

Auto template tag loading

To automatically load a custom template tag on every pagelet, add a PAGELET_TEMPLATE_TAGS list to settings.py:


Custom base templates and content areas

By default, django-pagelets uses a simplified setup for rendering pages in a uniform way. However, pages can be modified to extend from different base templates for greater customization. Pagelets can also specify custom content areas to allow for special grouping and positioning within pages.

Base templates and content areas can be customized via 2 settings: PAGELET_BASE_TEMPLATES and PAGELET_CONTENT_AREAS. For example, if you’d like to add an alternative 2-column layout, you could define the settings like so:

    ('pagelets/two_column_page.html', 'Two Column'),

    ('main', 'Main'),
    ('sidebar', 'Sidebar'),

The page admin will now include an additional form field to select a base template and pagelets will allow the specification of content areas. The Two Column template could look something like this:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% load pagelet_tags %}

{% block title %}{{ page.title }}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    <div id="main-panel">
        {% render_content_area page 'main' %}
    <div id="sidebar-panel">
        {% render_content_area page 'sidebar' %}
{% endblock %}

Note the render_content_area template tags with main and sidebar specified.